Brand Guidelines


The Holiday Extras group also includes a range of other brands, each with their own identities.



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HEX: #1d9dd9
RGB: 29 157 217
CMYK: 75 22 0 0
RAL: 5015
HEX: #25204d
RGB: 37 32 77
CMYK: 100 100 35 35
RAL: 5022
HEX: #ff3e43
RGB: 255 62 67
CMYK: 4 86 69 0
RAL: 3020
HEX: #f9d800
RGB: 249 216 0
CMYK: 5 12 93 0
RAL: 1021


Across all brand communication online and offline, Arial must be used in either Regular or Bold.

Arial is never italicised to emphasise a word.

If Arial is not available then the following may be used in this order of preference: Helvetica; sans-serif.

Guidelines & Further Assets

You can find more in-depth brand guidelines and favicons here:

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RGB: 28 164 255
CMYK: 69 27 0 0
HEX: #193A83
RGB: 25 58 131
CMYK: 100 84 18 3
RGB: 255 255 255
CMYK: 0 0 0 0
HEX: #e0145d
RGB: 224 20 93
CMYK: 4 97 40 0
HEX: #585858
RGB: 88 88 88
CMYK: 59 49 48 41

We also have the following secondary tones available for use:

RGB: 172 221 254
CMYK: 35 2 0 0
HEX: #70C5FE
RGB: 112 197 254
CMYK: 54 9 0 0
HEX: #0F2350
RGB: 15 35 80
CMYK: 100 90 40 37
HEX: #F2F1F1
RGB: 242 241 241
CMYK: 6 5 5 0


Lucida Grande is the primary font.

If the primary font is not available then the following may be used in this order of preference: Lucida Sans Unicode; Lucida Sans; DejaVu Sans; Verdana; sans-serif.

Further Assets

You can find further assets of illustration images and favicons here:

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Essential Travel


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HEX: #5a2b81
RGB: 90 43 129
CMYK: 80 97 5 1
PMS: 268 C
HEX: #8e4ec4
RGB: 142 78 196
CMYK: 64 76 0 0
PMS: 266 C
HEX: #ffffff
RGB: 255 255 255
CMYK: 0 0 0 0
HEX: #ff9e15
RGB: 255 158 21
CMYK: 0 46 91 0
PMS: 1375 C
HEX: #393939
RGB: 57 57 57
CMYK: 67 58 55 62
PMS: 433 C

We also have the following secondary tones available for use:

HEX: #a48aba
RGB: 164 138 186
CMYK: 42 50 5 0
PMS: 268 C (55% Tint)
HEX: #b075e1
RGB: 176 117 225
CMYK: 48 59 0 0
PMS: 2587 C
HEX: #e9e9e9
RGB: 233 233 233
CMYK: 10 7 8 0
PMS: 427 C


Open Sans is the primary font.

If the primary font is not available then the following may be used in this order of preference: Helvetica; Arial; sans-serif.

Further Assets

You can find further assets of photography and favicons here:

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Other brands

If you are looking for assets of our other group brands, please get in touch.